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Art within MENA

When we talk about the state of art in this region, we are talking about Arab art, Arab art or the Eastern arts in a much more comprehensive and evolved way. The development in this case is the development of art with the ages and times. Arabs, Egyptians, Levant and Islamic Arts, but the world is developing new types of arts and sciences to develop the East and even flourish in these arts as well. The arts in general are divided into ancient arts, modern art, visual art and invisible arts. The art is based on creativity.

Now let's talk about the ancient oriental art and modern.

Oriental music: The East has known music from ancient times and influenced oriental music in neighboring countries. It also influenced the neighboring regions of the world, such as Europe and others, and the great penetration of the East in music. Some of them wrote about music such as Ibrahim Ibn Ishaq Al-Musli and Khalil Ibn Ahmad Al-Farahidi and others have appeared in the present a lot of composers and singers and singers in the Middle East, such as Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Umm Kulthum, Wadih Safi, Fayrouz, Asmahan, Farid Al-Atrash, Sayed Darwish, Nawal Kuwaiti, Mohammad Abdo, Abdel-Kader and Magda Al-Roumi. Egypt and Lebanon remain leaders in this specific area.

2. Poetry: The Middle East was distinguished by poetry and distinguished from the rest of the world. How did the Arabs, who are the basis of poetry and poets from the pre-Islamic times, have appeared to the present time? The poetry is in a formative development from the days of Ibn Shaddad, the poet of Jaahiliyyah. Poets and varied poetry of yarn and praise and nostalgia for the national and theatrical poetry, lyric, melody and nonfiction.

3. Painting and Sculpture: The East, like other regions, was characterized by the art of painting, abstract and sculpture, and flourished in the Abbasid and Pharaonic periods in Egypt, where the Islamic, Abbasid, Fatimid and Ancient Egyptian influences were witnessed all over the East. In the modern era many names including Shuaiba Talal, who won the gold medal of the French Association and Naguib Balocha Tunisian gold medalist in Italy and Egypt, who was interested in engineering work and talked a lot about Tunisian art and many others and a lot of sculptors and artists, just go to the Louvre, you will find all the directories.

4. The Arab and Oriental Theater: Maroun started the discussion and was followed by Abu Khalil Al Qabbani with his "Thousand and One Nights". Then the opera developed and the theatre was developed by George Al-Abyad and the Arab theater began to play Shakespeare and helped the development Ahmed Shawky and helped establish the Arab popular theater. Ali Ahmed Bakthir, Aziz Abaza, Salah Abdul Sabour, Saadallah and Nawos.

5. The film industry: Some may see that this is not part of the old art. Yes, it is modern art, but its lessons and satisfying spirit, mind, sensations and sermons make it great. The film industry has not yet completed its first century, but look how it affected the whole world. For the natural development, the Arabs and the East are developing in order to produce the theatres of their heritage, culture and history to compete with the quality of the international and western theatres. The East has done all kinds of cinema and drama and filmed unrealistic events in ways that have many lessons. Egypt has contributed most to this industry, and Salah Cain and Anwar Mohammed Gedi and his cast and many others.


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