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The three major ingredients to succeed in the food and beverage market of the region is finding the right channel, the right partner and the right positioning.

Ghabco is your right partner and with us, finding the two other ingredients are certain. With our vast trade network within the region, we are certain to bring the market to you. We understand the market, know the right channels and are certain to position you to meet your market objectives.

We have been trading in commodities and assisting companies looking to enter into the Middle eastern and North African market, make successful entry and establish profitable trading business in the food and beverage sector.

The region is highly dependent on food and beverage imports yearly. A very dry weather and a severely constrained underground water sources coupled with limited agricultural areas has posed a huge challenge for the region's food supplies leading to the imports of more than 50 percent consumed food supplies in the region.

This is not say that boutique and exquisite dates and fruits do not leave the Middle East and North Africa for Europe. There is a huge market for these commodities and at Ghabco, we are armed with experience to help middle eastern farmers and producers find new markets for their produce.

Our primary focus on the food and beverage industry is Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, packaged foods (precisely consumables). To build your market presence or dominate your niche, you need the right partner and the right positioning. Our responsibility is to take the burden of Research, Business Management and Representation off you, so that you can focus on delivering value.

Providing quality representation is one of our many mantras. We will offer exceptional service, unequalled anywhere. Why don’t you contact us today.

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